I know a lot of people turn their nose up at oatmeal. Until recently I didn’t like it either. But I discovered that it was because I had never experienced a very good one. Go there Leiteria Mineirain the center of Rio, that I ate a perfect oat porridge for the first time! Foi amor a primaira colherada!
During the quarantine, in 2020, when I couldn’t go to the dairy and I really wanted to eat porridge, I ran to the internet to find a good recipe. To my delight, I saw a video from the kitchen from Leiteria. The recipe shows the ingredients used and how to make them, it does not exceed the exact amount. Me and my sister (she was at her house) to try the recipe. In the second attempt, we achieved these steps. It’s very nice! It is easy to do and has become a habit.
1 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of fine flaked oats
1 gem
1 tablespoon of sugar
cinnamon powder
How to do it:
In a pan, put the sifted egg, milk, oats and sugar. Bring to a low heat, stirring constantly. When it starts boiling, you can unplug it and it’s ready. Just place it on the lawn and sprinkle with cinnamon powder.