We continue the story of guavas that are ripe and ready to be eaten. I still thought about freezing the crushed pepper, but between the guavas and making guava sumo that the kids love, there wasn’t any left. If the mother-in-law still has guavas, I already know what to do with them and we can continue in the future but no one eats them…
Então o sumo Super practical to do. I think the results would be the same if the pulp was frozen so it wouldn’t spoil and used later in the scale.
The amount will always be a dessert, because it depends on the amount of guavas and whether they are sweet or not and whether they need more or less money. But there is no wisdom and it is worth it! Fico só imaginar este sumo n um dia de calor!
Ingredients for 1.5l sumo (approx):
350 g of ripe guava
About 600ml of water
Açúcar qb
Ripe like guavas and cut-as o meio. Put it in the bowl of a blender, food processor or magic wand and grind until you get a pulp. Coe remove as semente.
Add water and sugar to taste if needed. Refrigerate and serve fresh.
Bon Appetit!